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Project Type
2 week project

Fighter 0 is a shmup with endless waves. The player is stuck within a mist of energy in which the enemies will emerge from. In the center is the indestructible tower that will put to test the player's movement mechanics. In this project I tried to explore unique mechanics that I have not seen in the other shmups and balance them with the core feature: shooting endlessly at the enemies.


Gameplay Footage

Enemy 1 - A simple enemy that shoots a series of energy projectiles every few seconds. Easy to deal with but can be an annoyance in bigger numbers.

Enemy 2 - Has 4 points to shoot projectiles out of. The undestroyed points will follow and damage the player when the main body is destroyed. The player's movement can be greatly prohibited by this enemy up close.

Enemy 3 - Will shoot a concentrated spray of projectiles when in range of the player. If the player gets too close to this enemy, they will be sucked in towards them, making the player more prone to damage.

Enemy 4 - An AOE enemy type that will explode upon getting destroyed or close to the player. There is an energy level on them starting from 50. Both player and enemy projectiles will increase its explosive power, except the enemy fire will only fuel it and not destroy it.

The Tower

The tower is an indestructible entity in the center of the map that will activate after wave 3. It has 4 different attack modes that will impact the player's movement differently. The tower's projectiles cannot be shot out by the player.

Player Abilities

Ability 1 - Shoot an energy ring toward an enemy, and it will make them fire healing orbs towards the player. Also works with enemy 4 which will heal the player upon exploding.

Ability 2 - Spawn a shield directly in front of the ship. It will deflect all enemy fire.

Ability 3 - Speed boost. Temporarily increase speed, very effective in getting out of dangerous situations.



Designed in Illustrator

I decided to use 2D assets for this project as it saves more time for me to test out mechanics. They only took one day to make and it turned out very well. With the incorporation of normal and emission maps they really pop in a 3D environment.

locked 6Asset 6.png
locked 6Asset normals.png
locked 6Asset 7.png
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Screenshot (348).png
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locked 6Asset 37.png
locked 6Asset 13.png
locked 6Asset 15.png
locked 6Asset 17.png
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