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Project Type
3 week Group Project

2 Minutes With Chilly is a 3P local multiplayer game. The two survivors are controlled by the keyboard while Chilly the monster is controlled by only the mouse. To put it simply the game is similar to a top down version of Dead by Daylight. We thought of numerous unique mechanics and interactions in a short period of time to make the base game fun. I designed all of Chilly's mechanics, the environment, and the survivors' camera tool. 


Monster Abilities

Chilly moves with the left mouse click on the terrain and his abilities are activated with the right click. The mouse wheel is used for ability switching. Chilly comes with two abilities: Wall phase and the cage bullet. The cage after dissipating will leave debris that slow down the survivors. The abilities utilize mana indicated on his back, with each ability costing 2 mana rings. Ultimately, he kills survivors by getting in close contact.

Survivor Abilities

Survivor abilities are pick-ups from across the map. All the player abilities with the exception of the camera is designed by Cecil Boey. The players are designed to work together. For example, the player who collected a trap can set it, but the other player needs to activate it. 

The camera ability I designed has two parts. The first part is the camera flash which would blind Chilly when used in range and in the right angle. For the second part, each flash takes a picture of Chilly and the camera carrier is able to stick the photos onto walls. Chilly will get scared and become stunned by his own picture if he sees it. This idea popped into my mind in a whim at the time of designing this game, and it's the fun type of game mechanics that I really love to create.

Chilly's Mana Rings

Chilly has a discrete mana system that also serves as his health. The 3 pink mana rings are utilized for abilities while the final yellow ring is his life. When Chilly is hit by a survivor weapon it will exhaust the right most active ring. If he receives damage with only the health ring active, he will die. This is why Chilly needs to think twice before using the abilities. With each ability exhausting 2 energy rings, it can leave Chilly vulnerable to attack from survivor weapons.


Map Layout

The map was the hardest part to design. I picked up the work from my groupmate who had opted out of the map design role with less than a week to spare. Time was very tight. I first decided on the size of the map first by taking into account the speed of the characters and the play time. I was stuck on the layout of the map and so I took inspiration from Pacman's map design. The result was fairly satisfactory and it was balanced enough as an initial prototype. The spacing is designed for easy movement for the survivors and also for Chilly to effectively use their ability.

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Assets & Lighting

I replaced the blocks with the assets that my groupmate gathered. Many of them did not quite match the general aesthetic of the game. I went into Photoshop and retextured the overly realistic assets to look more cartoon like. As for lighting, I used different coloring for each zone of the map for better identification. I used realtime lights sparingly in places such as the running car. It creates cool visual effects like the glowing exhaust and long shadows from the headlights. 

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